Selcom Pesa inatambua kuwa unajali faragha ya taarifa zako na jinsi ya matumizi na ushiriki wake. Taarifa hii inaeleza kwa kina sera yetu ya faragha. Tumejitolea kulinda taarifa zako binafsi na haki yako ya faragha. Tafadhali tumia muda mfupi kusoma na kuelewa taratibu zetu za faragha. Kwa kutumia programu ya duka.direct, unakubali taratibu zilizoelezwa kwenye Taarifa hii ya Faragha.
Ni Taarifa gani tunazokusanya?
Ili kujisajili, Selcom Pesa inahitaji ukamilishe usajili kwa kutumia namba yako halali ya simu, kitambulisho cha taifa (NIDA), na alama za kibayometriki. Taarifa zingine zinazokusanywa kutoka kwenye aplikesheni ni pamoja na majina, vitambulisho vya kuingia kwenye akaunti, na data za miamala.
Taarifa tunazokusanya zinatumikaje?
Tunaweza kutumia taarifa zako tunazozipata kupitia aplikesheni kwa madhumuni yafuatayo:
Kuboresha huduma zetu: Taarifa zako zinatuwezesha kukupa huduma bora zaidi.
Ubinafsishaji wa huduma: Taarifa zako zinatusaidia kukidhi mahitaji yako binafsi kama mteja
wetu wa thamani.
Kuboresha huduma kwa wateja: Taarifa zako zinatusaidia kujibu maombi yako ya huduma
kwa wateja na mahitaji ya usaidizi kwa ufanisi zaidi.
Kuboresha programu yetu: Taarifa zako na maoni yako yanatusaidia kuboresha programu yetu.
Kutuma barua pepe mara kwa mara: Anwani ya barua pepe na namba ya simu unazotoa
zinaweza kutumika kukutumia taarifa na masasisho kama vile taarifa za akaunti na taarifa
zingine zinazohusiana na akaunti yako.
Tunalindaje Taarifa Zako?
Tunajitahidi kulinda taarifa zako kupitia mfumo wa hatua za kiusalama za kiufundi. Tumetekeleza hatua zinazofaa za kiufundi na za shirika kulinda usalama wa taarifa zozote za kibinafsi tunazochakata.
Taarifa kuhusu wateja wetu ni sehemu muhimu ya biashara yetu, na hatupo katika biashara ya kuuza taarifa hizi kwa wahusika wengine. Hata hivyo, tunaweza kushiriki taarifa zako na wahusika wengine wanaotoa huduma kwa niaba yetu. Wahusika wetu wa tatu wote wanahitajika kuchukua hatua za kiusalama zinazofaa kulinda data zako kulingana na sera zetu. Hatutawaruhusu kutumia data zako kwa madhumuni yao binafsi. Tunawaruhusu kuchakata data zako kwa madhumuni maalum na kwa mujibu wa maagizo yetu.
Tunaweza pia kushiriki taarifa zako binafsi na wahusika wengine ikiwa tunalazimika kufichua au kushiriki taarifa zako binafsi ili kuzingatia wajibu wa kisheria au kulinda haki, mali, au usalama wa tovuti yetu, watumiaji wetu, na wengine. Ambapo data zako zinashirikiwa na wahusika wengine, tutahakikisha kushirikisha kiwango cha chini kinachohitajika.
Vipi Kuhusu Vidakuzi?
Hatutumii vidakuzi vyovyote.
Masasisho ya Sera ya Faragha
Sera yetu ya Faragha inasasishwa mara kwa mara, na masasisho yote yatatumwa kwenye ukurasa huu. Utajulishwa mara masasisho mapya yanapochapishwa.
Ikiwa una maswali yoyote kuhusu sera yetu ya faragha, unaweza kuwasiliana nasi kupitia barua pepe:
help@selcompesa.app au piga simu bure: 0800 714 888 / 0800 784 888.
Selcom Pesa understands that you care about your privacy and how your information is used and shared. This notice describes our privacy policy. We are committed to protecting your personal information and your right to privacy. Please take a moment to familiarize yourself with our privacy practices and let us know if you have any questions. By using Selcom Pesa, you are accepting the practices described in this Privacy Notice.
What information do we collect?
To get started, Selcom Pesa requires you to complete registration by providing valid mobile number, national ID and biometrics. Other Information collected from the application include names and contact data, credentials used for authentication and account access and transaction data.
How is the collected information used?
We may use the information we obtain through the application to
Enhance our product and service offering: your information enables us to offer better services to you.
Personalization: your information helps us to better respond to your individual needs and
experience as our valued customer.
Improve customer service: your information helps us to more effectively respond to your
customer service requests and support needs.
Improve our app: your information and the feedback you provide helps us to improve our app.
To send periodic emails: the email address and mobile number you provide may be used to
send you information and updates such as account statements and others related to your profile/account.
How do we protect your information?
We aim to protect your information through a system of organizational and technical security measures. We have implemented appropriate technical and organizational security measures designed to protect the security of any personal information we process. Information about our customers is an important part of our business, and we are not in the business of selling such information to other parties. However, we may share your information with third parties who provide services on our behalf. All our third-party service providers are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your data in line with our policies. We do not allow them to use your data for their own proprietary purposes. We permit them to process your data for specified purposes and in accordance with our instructions.
We may also share your personal data with third parties if we are under a duty to disclose or share your personal data in order to comply with any legal obligation or to protect the rights, property or safety of our site, our users, and others. Where your data is shared with third parties, we will seek to share the minimum amount necessary.
What about cookies?
We do not use cookies.
Privacy Policy Updates
Our Privacy Policy is updated from time to time all updates will be posted on this page, and you will be notified when new updates are published
If there are any questions regarding our privacy policy you may contact us at help@selcompesa.app or call for free: 0800 714 888/ 0800 784 888